Thursday, April 30, 2009

Icy morning

Only -3 degC this morning ... frozen everywhere!

Was wonderful seeing things in daylight yesterday ... the garage is going up. Unfortunately they did some minor damage to the corner of the dog yard - allowing an itty doggie to escape!! Luckily she didn't run away, but gave me a fright to come home to see her running around.

Met with interior designer - she was very helpful - apart from asking questions which I really have no idea about! She wasn't able to stay very long, but I hope she got an idea of what I'm looking for. I'll meet up with her again to go through some actual colours etc once she's had a think about it.

Then I met with the builder - we need to get the architect to draw up a more detailed plan of the ensuite, and there are couple of changes to the specifications (windows that aren't going to work - on plan it looks good - but I don't want my vanity at knee height!).

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Garage footings go in

Another adventurous home coming ... nearly fell on my face walking through the door in the dark ... the builder had put up a "trip wire" (otherwise known as a stringline-thingie!) right across the doorway about 3cm higher than the step ... ouch!!

No photo today - too much of a rush this morning for the couple of seconds of daylight I have. The footings are in for the garage, I'm not sure if they need to set for a day or they will be erecting the shed today. I'll be home in daylight today so I'm looking forward to seeing things in the light ... and not falling into a hole or whatever next they put in!

The garage has JUST squeezed in ... obviously stepping out the site before starting would have been a better plan ... the dog yard has had a bit of the ground wire ripped up ... but luckily there is just enough gap between them (though not enough to walk through which is a bit annoying). At least it didn't need to be moved - as it cost quite a bit to put up in the first place!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The little shed didn't make it - RIP Shed!

If only I was getting home in daylight it would be so much fun to explore what has been done during the day.

Yesterday they took down my little shed. They had hoped to be able to move it, but I wasn't surprised to find it in pieces.

Here is the before ...

The little shed was pretty old, I assume an old meat shed or dairy? There was a strange concrete block in the middle of it ... can't quite work out what it it was used for.

They've also started looking at what lies behind the south wall - which is to have the external weatherboards replaced and fixing of whatever else has rotted (and ensuite is going here). The house basically just sits on the ground, propped up on some bricks! No stumps or anything! From my brief look at it, I'm actually surprised not to see more rotted wood. Looks like I'll be moving out of my bedroom this week - only floorboards and thin carpet between me and the outside world ... and it is sooo cold outside! Getting down to 2 degC overnight now.

The builder rang last night about yesterday's hiccup ... and the plan is to move the garage about 500mm ... and they'll work out a way of ensuring I can get from the car to the house and not get wet once it is all up. He'd told me last week that the garage wont be going up for 5 days once it is delivered ... but apparently that plan has changed ... they are doing the footings today, garage might even be up by tomorrow!!!

Now I've got to organise to get the furniture in the house moved to the garage once the concrete is set.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Uh oh - first hiccup!

So it was a good plan ... a nice easy sensible plan ... erect garage, then move all the stuff into that, then knock down the old part of the house ... simple, right?! Except ... the builder has just rung ... and where the garage is to go on the plans, is actually where the current part of the house IS ... which means ... that TOTALLY changes the plan! My garage will be delayed, they might be taking down the laundry wall. Oops!

I had not prepared to lose the back of the house immediately! I could move the garage - which would mean it wasn't sitting right where I wanted when the build is finished ... but 1 metre of walking in the rain forever, could mean a whole lot less hassle now?

They are going to re-measure.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Trees not quite finished

Last night's arrival home was to all the big trees cleared away and the branches taken off the other trees ... except the MOST important one!!! argh!! The tree that is right next to where the garage is being erected next week!! They trimmed off a tiny branch, not the large branch right back to the trunk. I rang the tree-man as soon as I noticed and he's coming back out today or Saturday to do the last bit.

I was expecting a VERY large pile of wood chips left over - but only a tiny pile has been left ... hmmmmmmmmmmm. I had lots of plans for that.

Speaking with the builder last night, it looks like there are a couple more spare days until the garage goes up anyway. It will be delievered next Tuesday, but it might take them another 5 days before the footings etc will be done. Where they are putting the footings in, there are the cables to the stables and water pipes ... will be interesting to see how many of those they hit!! I've warned them - so at least they'll be prepared to turn the water off.

Monday is the day the builder said he'd start clearing and marking out the site. It will be quite interesting to see it on the ground vs just on paper. We're also hoping to meet up on Wednesday and I'll get an idea of how they plan to do the job. I'm looking forward to knowing a bit more about what to expect.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

First before and after photos

I got home last night to find a big hole in the sky ... the tree people turned up! So we have my first before and after photos! So sad they had to go :-(

There is still more for them to chop down today - branches off other trees vs entire trees. Hoping they'll get them down before the wind picks up too much.
Next week's weather forecast isn't looking nice for the garage going up!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Official START day today!

Today is the official starting day ... and the builder did call this morning ... but I was racing out the door to catch the train.

Building permit for the garage arrived by mail yesterday - so hoping that is all set to go up next week. The builder just needs to clear the site!

Today the tree people are supposed to be cutting down trees - I'll find out when I get home if they've turned up! It looks like the weather might be OK for the next couple of days - though the wind is forecasted to pick up, which can't be good when dropping massive pine trees. I had hoped to get some more "before" photos but I haven't been home in daylight to get any.

Talking to another interior designer next week - need to start some of those colour decisions for tiles. I had a look through tiles stores last week and I'm really unsure how to pick a specific tile. There are lots that look sort of OK ... but are they THE ONE?! Luckily I'm not so fussy that if it isn't perfect that my life will be ruined ... it will all end up dirty anyway!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Last night was the big signing night ... contracts are done!! Architect and builder came over and we agreed on a couple of changes to the contract (especially the bit that said something like "existing building datum points are considered level, plumb and square unless agreed otherwise" - luckily we all agreed otherwise!! Old houses aren't known for their straightness!!).

Official start date is the 22nd April ... with an official "end" on 22nd August.

Garage will be first up ... then the ensuite will start.

Now I've got to work hard this weekend to clear out the tool shed - and decide where it goes! The builder has suggested they might be able to move it, so I've got to find a place for a little weatherboard shed. That's where the garage will be.

It is quite funny when I look out and realise the things that have to be moved ... the weather station will have to find a new home, the wire winder thingie and so much more. I'm hoping that the washing line might just be able to stay ... otherwise another thing to find a home for!

Monday, April 6, 2009

I tried to go bathroom shopping on the weekend ... but got waylaid by wandering animals. I finally got to a bathroom centre and was glad I had gone. What had looked like the right vanity for me on the internet, turned out to have silly draws that would drive me nuts. So on the look out for another now!

Moved my valuables to my Mum's house - though probably not other people's ideas of valuables ... my sourdough starter is now in her freezer (I figured the power is going to go out at some stage, the rest is just food in my freezer that can be replaced), very sad to think I wont use it for months now!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Building permit sent off today for the garage, zillions of copies of all sorts of documents.

Hoping to finalise the tree removals today, chasing one more quote before I make my decision. Got to hurry that up, most have said within 2 weeks, but I don't really want them making a mess when the garage is supposed to be going up!

Interior designer is booked to come on Monday - to help with those decisions I don't want to do (or can't do!) ... tile colour?! who cares?! - not me, but hopefully someone else does!! Early decisions will be the ensuite, I've got a bit of breathing space until further decisions are required.